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noob car audio system questions

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hi i was wondering how long your car battery would last if you had all that audio junk like subs, head units, and amps? im planning to geat a couple subs and amps and im using my moms caravan :rasp: so anyways how much would that affect the car battery and then how long would it last?

whats the limit of amps you can hook up to maybe 1 sub? to be specific i will be perchasing an infinity 120w 12" sub and i may buy an xplod amp by sony. all from futureshop.ca . but do you have to have an amp in order to hook it up in a car?

dont be hard on me im just a noob at this! and help will be appreciated.

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Yes, you need an amp for a subwoofer, unless it's like a boomtube with it's own amp built in.

I don't know what you mean by "how long your car battery would last". When the car is running, it's the alternator that supplies your car with power, not the battery. The battery is used for start-up only (as well as supplying power while the car is off)

Anyways, you need to check how many amps your alternator is, to see if it can take the stress of an amp, although with a 120 watt sub, I think you'll be alright.

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Car audio is for noobs. :laugh:

I haven't found a "custom" car audio system yet that didn't have incredibly bloated, crush-your-head bass... which is of course what all these rap enthusiasts are really after. Shake-the-car-body bass, never mind that the output actually sounds like shit.

It's a shame it's illegal to wear cans while driving...

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OMG, I can't believe my eyes.. :ninja:

car audio isn't for noobs...not at all!

different people have different interests. For a typical Car Enthuisast. all their knownledge is about cars. anything relates to cars. they will soak up the information. Because they spend so much time in their cars, they want to improve their car (whether it's mechanical aspect or the car audio aspect or even cosmetic aspect ) to aspire to a sorted uniqueness. hmmm, it's like each inidividual car owner want their car totally different from another car of same model. Sometimes, individuality is what they seek for. That's why they have car shows like HIN, and SEMA.


from what I gather from all your posts. Your interest is about Audio, Audio gear or even home audio. so I can assume you have more interest about Audio, portable audio and such. than it is for the interest in stuffs related to cars.

But for a car enthusiasts, they have more interest in stuff related to cars than the interest on stuffs that has nothing to do with their cars.

final thought, as you said.. it's shame it's illegal to wear can while driving. so what would the car enthusiast do? they would improve their car audio. as the stock car audio sounds like cr*p!! just because they spend so much time in their cars, and less time in their home, they want to move entertainment system from their home into their cars. This is why they spend so much on car entertainment.

as I recalled, when I was member of such car enthuisast discussion forum, there 1 member there stating, she had spend about USD$2000 (not include labor for installation) approximately just for the car entertainment unit ( a head unit with the dvd screen)

all in all, all I am saying is different people have different interests. that's all.

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Of course people are interested in car audio. But never in my entire life have I seen a custom car audio system that was balanced for tonal qualities and didn't sound like a 300-pound fat guy farting to the beat.

Actually, the stock stereo and speakers in my car sound about ten billion times better than a few of the guys at work that I know who have 2 10-inch subs, 400W amps, etc...

Even with all that money spent, the system sounds no better, even worse, than what came with my car from the factory. The lows are so strong they make the body of the car shake... blink.gif

Not my idea of good sound.

Now I'd love to see a new generation of custom car audio enthusiasts who went for actual sound quality, not how many eardrums can I burst with my bass.

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not boost, but able to drive the subs. for loudness, just crank up the volume!!


your home receiver --> headphone amps --> high impedance headphone.

w/o headphone amps, sound will come out distorted..maybe harsh..as you have to crank up the volume on receiver to drive your high impedance headphone

w/ headphone amps, sound will come out smoother, not harsh or distorted. and don't have to crank up the volume on receiver to acheive the same effect.

hope this helps, if you can understand my analogy, amps is there just to drive the subs.

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Hrm, I believe I prefer my Alpine HU and Infinity component system than the tape deck and paper speakers that came in my '87 Volvo.  :laugh:

I'm sure. :laugh:

You want an explanation for my hatred of "custom" audio, do you? Well, I live in the ghetto part of Birmingham, AL. All I have to do is stick my head outside and I feel a painful throbbing develop in my sinuses...

... and I know some guy with twenty thousand subs and an amp powerful enough to supply electricity to New York City for two years is driving around somewhere. :laugh:

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blink.gif There's a ghetto in Birmingham?!

Anyways, I know exactly where you're coming from. If car audio enthusiasts were serious, wouldn't they stick to 1 or 2 subs, instead of 14? Where's the high and mid-ranges? :wacky:

We have plenty of people like that 'round here in Sacramento, CA. So much so that the CHP has decibel ratings on what is, and what isn't legal. :laugh:

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The problem: The inner volume of a car's passenger cabin is not big enough to allow frequencies below 40-50 Hz to be radiated properly. It is a physical problem, that can only be circumvented by making the car bigger. Try a stretch limo...

However, some people think, they can overcome that problem with power. Result: Number plate rattling and angry neighbors.

And of course, the whole thing sounds like crap. but that doesn't matter, as these 'car audio enthusiasts' are usually avid techno or hip-hop fans - crap sound for crap music...

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